09.25 1st BYSC

On a beautifully sunny Saturday morning, along the banks of Lake Washington, 6 brave PWP rose to the challenge and helped BEAT THEIR SYMPTOMS! Some rode bikes, some rowed, some ran along the pedestrian way. We built strength in our core with planks, sit ups, and mountain climbers. All doing what we each could at our own pace. Then the infamous Nate Coomer, of The Parkinson's Fitness Project, led us in his own unique version of Simon Says testing our cognitive abilities when we were already fatigued.

The participants were all diagnosed under 50 and have learned in our few years on this road that there is direct coloration between regular vigorous exercise and our emotional stability as well as our physical symptoms. We have all been told by doctors that regular exercise will help your condition, whether that be Parkinson's or something else. On this day we proved to ourselves that we have Parkinson's it does NOT have us!

Special thanks goes to the organizing committee & TPFP staff for being so generous with their time, knowledge and keeping us all safe.